It’s transformation Tuesday, and what better way to transform ourselves than by committing to our continued health. Health and fitness is most definitely a lifestyle. It’s ongoing, continuous, has peaks, plateaus and valleys. The benefit of this lifestyle are countless. Looking great in our swimsuits is definitely a great motivator. But how do you stay committed when you just don’t feel like working out or eating properly?
Start by getting a workout buddy; you’ll be less likely to give up.
Keep healthy food in the house. If there’s no junk food to eat, we’ll-you won’t eat it.
Reward yourself for accomplishments. But reward yourself with a non food item. We eat to live, we don’t live to eat. Break the habit of using food as an emotional tool.
Keep drinking your water; it’s so important.
Lastly, commit to wanting to change. It’s a lifestyle, not an option. Don’t regularly and commit to making it part of your life and you’ll see results. Remember, no one said it would be easy.
Commit to your health Sports bra by Nike