So I got out of dodge and took a much needed break courtsey of my friends at I decided to come visit one of my really good girlfirends out in Santa Monica, CA. Now, while I’ve been here before, I never tire of it. If you haven’t been here, it’s a really laid back city next to the Pacific Ocean in Southern Cali, where health and fitness are a way of life.
The lifestyle is very healthy, and it makes it so simple to keep up with my own healthy lifestyle. As I was running the Santa Monica Stairs with my bestie yesterday, I wondered, how do people workout when they travel? Do they even try or do they just give themselves a break for a week or two and resume regular activities when they get back home? Now I’m all for letting your hair down and taking a break, but I also believe all things should be done in moderation.
Here are my travel workout tips:
Have a plan. Now what your options for working out are prior to arriving. If you know your options, your more likely to follow through with one.
Figuring out your schedule while you’re away and what time of day works best for your workout. You may have to vary your times daily.
Try to eat at least a healthy breakfast. I think that if you start your day off right, it’s easier for the rest of the day to follow suite.
Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t work out or if you eat poorly. You are on vacation after all!
Travel Workouts Trainers: Nike Black Zebra Leggings and Tank: Old Navy