The summertime is a popular time to engage in lots and lots of travel. So, today, I thought I’d share y’all some of my essentials for traveling. It’s not anything too fancy, just a few things that will help make the travel process a bit more bearable:
A Good Book:

I can’t stress this enough, but bringing along a good book with you while you travel is so great. It provides a great distraction if it’s a long travel time and it makes you feel more productive in a way. just think of all the knowledge you can soak up in a couple of hours! Check out my summer reading list for some inspiration.
Essential Oils

This is important because not only is it something nice to keep on you, it’s extremely helpful in travel situations. There are so many essential oils for so many different things, and traveling is only one of them. If you get anxious or are just bad with traveling, check out the article I did on essential oils.
Makeup Remover Wipes

Male or female, it doesn’t matter, makeup remover wipes are wonderful! You know when you’ve been on a plane/train/car/etc. for so long you start to feel all icky even though you’ve been sitting in air conditioning for hours? Well, if you swipe your face with a makeup wipe, it’s guaranteed to make you feel ten times better. I don’t know what it is, but something about wiping your face clean after a day of travel is so refreshingly satisfying. I highly recommend the Simple brand’s wipes, they’re cruelty-free and gentle on the skin.

This is so important! Traveling can dry you out, so you should keep a nice lightweight moisturizer in your carry-on at all times. It’s especially key after the use of a makeup wipe because that can also dry your skin out after its use. Using moisturizer is also refreshingly satisfying because your skin feels fresh and hydrated!
Chapstick/Lip Balm

Listen, this is essential all day every day, but especially when traveling. Like I said before, traveling can dry you out, so it’s important to keep your skin nice and hydrated so you don’t feel like a crusty human being when you step off that plane. Find you a nice (cruelty-free) lip balm to get the job done for those days of travel.
I hope y’all enjoyed today’s post. Don’t forget to share and subscribe to the blog. Follow us on social media @tiesidesandscoops! And subscribe to our YouTube channel The Scoop!
XO, Alandria