Happy 4th of July!!!!! What better way to celebrate America’s birthday than to eat? I know that with the first official holiday of summer,most of you will be visiting friends and family, and where there is a gathering of people-food is sure to follow. Part of a healthy, beach, swim lifestyle is eating healthy so you can continue to look great in your swim suit.
As you get invited to these holiday gathers, offer to bring something. This is 2 fold. 1) it makes you look like you have manners and 2) you know for sure there will be something there that you can eat that won’t have your waistline regretting your food decisions at your next workout.
Dessert is always a great dish to bring. With tons of fruits in season now, it couldn’t get any easier, Try some of these healthy summertime favorite desserts out.
Chocolate dipped bananas. Super simple. Start melting your semi sweet chocolate (much better for you than it’s brother-milk chocolate), on low heat in a saucepan. The amount you use will depend on how many bananas you prepare. Stir the entire time you are melting the chocolate. Have your bananas already halved or quartered, (your preference). Also have prepared a baking sheet with wax paper on it so you can rest your bananas once they’ve been dipped. Dip your bananas into the chocolate, put them on a skewer to make it no mess and no fuss, rest on the wax covered cookie sheet. Sprinkle a nut of yur choosing is you desire. Chill in the fridge until chocolate is hard. Voila! Chocolate dipped bananas.
Chocolate Dipped Bananas
Fruit Cake: Now this isn’t your grannies fruit cake. My dad used to love when I made this for him when I was a teenager. Get your favorite fruit-seriously, just about any fruit works well with this. if using kiwi, or melons, don’t put in the saucepan-they’ll get mushy. Cut your fruit into bite sized pieces if necessary. Rinse your fruit. In a saucepan over low to medium heat, add your fruit. Also add 1-2 cups of orange juice (just depending on how much fruit you use. There should be more fruit than liquid). Simmer for about 5-7 minutes, just until the orange juice begins to bubble. I like to use freshly squeezed orange juice (I grew up in Florida and I am an orange juice snob), but for your recipe, use the juice of your choice. Using a good angel food cake (either freshly made or purchased), cut a slice of cake. Add your warm fruit mixture on top. If you’re adventurous, put that angel food cake on the grill! Plate, accompany with a glass of champagne’. Enjoy!
Not your Grannies Fruit Cake
Tweet me @nichyl to tell me how these recipes worked for you!
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