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To Wallow or Not to Wallow? : Tips from Insecure

Writer: Nic HylNic Hyl

The season finale of Insecure had me checking my own attitude, as well as Molly’s and Issa’s. When life gets hard do I expect the worst or the best? And are there benefits to both? To wallow or not to wallow? : Tips from Insecure

One thing I did learn was there is absolutely no reason to wallow in your problems. It’s useless and does nothing to serve you. Molly thought that she had it all figured out. She thought that by keeping her distance and writing off anyone who didn’t agree with her she wouldn’t get hurt. Molly sees life as something that’s very difficult. She is constantly putting all her attention on her problems as if they are battles to be won instead of obstacles to overcome. She put up a wall to protect herself from whatever negativity came her way. But this wall blinded her from future networking opportunities at her job, created beef between her and her friends, and caused her to find any reason to throw away any possible lovers. Now her work life is hell because she made herself out to be a power-hungry outsider. AND she caused a fight with her best friend meddled into Issa’s business, believing that Issa was wise enough to make relationship decisions on her own. Which is a WHOLE ‘NOTHER article, but I digress. Molly’s plan failed. This wall has to come down. It’s time to get a new one, or she will find herself at the top of her game alone and unhappy.

Issa had multiple opportunities to act a fool this episode but she didn’t. Issa Dee kept up her promise to become the  New Issa. The last time we saw her have to deal with this kind of romantic distress, she trashed her whole apartment. She furiously threw down her bookcase, tossed wine glasses at the wall, and stained her already used and abused couch. That Issa had all her feelings bottled up and it came out in an incredibly destructive way. This New Issa tho? She turned her frustrations into positive actions. Rather than destroy her new apartment, rather than wallow in her problems again, she took her new apartment and created her own personal, new and improved space, one that is all hers and no one else’s. It’s not Nathan’s, not Molly’s, and most certainly not Lawrence’s. She unpacked her boxes, set everything is now in its proper place, and made her new home feel like a home. She cannot control Nathan’s actions, but she can control her space, and she made it perfectly and undeniably hers.

Thank you so much for reading you guys. Like this post if you’d like to hear more from me and comment when you’ve been Molly or when you’ve been Issa and why. I’d love to hear from you! Know anyone else who loves Insecure? Feel free to share this post, the more the merrier. We’ll have more articles like this so feel free to follow us on Insta @tiesidesandscoops and follow me at @sahra.bae. See you soon!



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