If you are a regular subscriber or reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I’ve been writing less frequently. That’s because we here at Tie Sides and Scoops, along with our parent swim line Nager By Nic Hyl are planning for our first ever Holiday Launch Party! This weeks edition of the Weekly Scoop is about throwing an awesome party, and if you have a launch coming up, maybe these great tips can help you too!
What are the holidays without a few of your closest friend? Once you’ve convinced your partner or roomy that having a (launch) party is the perfect idea, all you’ve got left to do is to have a great one! For launch parties and any other holiday party, the venue is key! If you don’t want to have it at your place, enlist the help of friends. Someone may have access to a great space, or to an amazing rooftop, where your party can shine! Check out places like your rooftop, or a friends bar. Offer to have your friend invite whomever they’d like. If they are contributing the space, you want to make sure they are happy as well.
The New York Design Center
Food and drink are major, you’ll get a better turn out if this is included. For my launch party, my guest are lucky enough to have an open wine bar, cupcakes, and Crudités. Depending on the nature of your party, your food could be themed, or fit together with the overall mood of your party. What ever you choose, don’t forget to feed your guests and keep them hydrated.
Guest list Now that you’ve worked out location and food, get your guest list together. I like to know how much food I can supply and what my space can accommodate, before I invite my guests. This way, I know before hand how many people I can actually invite, since both my space and food can limit my list. Get together a beautiful invite, or even an evite to tell people about your event, and then to remind them of it.
Party Favors for a launch party, this is critical. It reminds your guests of who you are long after your event is completed. My party favors are going to be great, but I won’t spoil the surprise here. For your party favors, you could implement a theme from your event into your parting gifts to remind your guest, how much fun they had. Let it be you, and let it be fun.
Don’t forget, the mood of the party is fun, so have fun planning it and it will show in your event, however large or small that is.