Hunter makes sandals. Who knew? Maybe I’m late to the party, but I had no idea! Think about it, there sandals are perfect for a beach lifestyle. They’re also great for a shoe to wear in the rainy spring and summer months. Who better to make a water proof/ water resistant sandal? Exactly my point. Constructed of durable PVC, they are comfortable, reliable, cute, and come in so many colors. Perfect for the beach, vacation, or just running around town.
Get them in a fun eye catching color, like this orange pair- if these aren’t your favorite colors, don’t worry-ther’s at least 6 other colors to choose from. Available at New in at Hunter
Original Sandals by Hunter
The Original Sandal by Hunter
They also make a thong style, all the same benefits, just a different style. Also available at: New in at Hunter
The Original T-Strap Sandal by Hunter