What goes into feeling confident enough to wear a swimsuit? At one point in time I used to operate/manage a swimsuit store that shall remain nameless, but that experience taught me that confidence is the most important thing a bella can put on in order to feel comfortable in her swimsuit. It’s also the one thing that most bella’s are lacking. A positive body image can take years to develop and only moments to destroy. So today we’re going to talk about a few things that can help boost and aid in the overall confidence that a woman needs to look and feel her best during swim suit season and beyond.
1. One of the first things That can help a woman feel more confident in her swimsuit is eating right even if you haven’t been eating right for very long. Just a day or two of eating what you should be eating can really help to boost your mental confidence about the way you look and feel in your swimsuit. I’m not saying that this will repairs months or years of improperly eating, I am saying it’s a start to begin to see your self in a more positive mental way for an immediate situation.
2. The Second thing that can aid in confidence while wearing your swimsuit is getting a suit that properly fits your specific body type. Now this can be a little bit more tricky and we’ll actually discuss this in a separate blog post, but for now just understand that if your suit fits the way that it should then you’ll feel as confident as you can while in it.
3. The third thing that can aid in confidence while wearing your swimsuit is feeling physically fit. even if you haven’t been doing the most rigorous workout routine for months and months in advance just a couple of days of doing sit ups or any exercise for that matter (coupled with eating properly from point 1 above), can help you feel better about the way your body looks in the suit and your overall confidence while wearing it. Again, it’s just the first step but these baby steps will help you with confidence immediately and with continued efforts, create and foster a strong self image.
4. The fourth thing that can help in feeling confident wearing your swimsuit is to decrease bloating. One of the best ways to decrease bloating is to drink plenty of water. If you know that you have to wear the suit on a Saturday for example maybe you start drinking plenty of water a few days in advance & make sure you’re getting a proper 64 fluid ounces of water per day.
Last but not least, one of the best things that you can do to feel comfortable wearing your suit is to accentuate the things that you do like about your body. If you have great legs maybe you get a suit that has a higher leg line. If you like your breasts maybe you get something that accentuates them, if you’re tall and thin maybe you consider a nice bold color to accentuate a small waist. Whatever your assets are, let them work for you and pick the suit that flatters those assests and you’re sure to feel as confident as you can come swim day. Possibly consider a beautiful coverup worn with to die for shoes.
Swimsuit: Nager By Nic Hyl Styled by: Nic Hyl Photog: Parenthesis Photography Model: Hader