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How to Do It All: A simple guide to getting your goals accomplished

Writer: Nic HylNic Hyl

It’s Small Business Week and what better way to celebrate than to announce that I received the Small Business Administration’s 2017 New York District Home Based Business of the Year Champion Award for significant contributions to and dedicated support of small business! This was and still is such an honor and I am so thankful to have been recognized for this great award.

Working from home is not for the faint of heart. It takes so much self motivation and persistence, but it can be well worth it if you see it through. I wanted to share the news of my award, not to brag or boast, but rather to inspire and help anyone else out there just starting a home business or thinking about starting one or maybe you have one and you’ve hit a plateau. Don’t give up!!! Remember your goals, why you started and what your passion’s are. It’s easy to feel alone, frustrated, and like you’re on a hamster wheel from time to time. Take a look below for some tips that help me get through the tough times (*note these tips are applicable to a 9-5 job as well):

Small Business Administration's 217 New York District Home Based Business of The Year Champion

Small Business Administration’s 217 New York District Home Based Business of The Year Champion

How To Do It: 

Balance: Juggling it all is definitely one of the hardest things about working for your self…especially if you work out of the home. You have to manage your time the way you would with any other job. Because you probably wear many hats, you may have to segment your days for different responsibilities. I am a designer, student, blogger, fitness competitor who is planning a wedding. My time is almost nonexistent. But I get it all done. How? I split my week up into specific responsibilities. So on Monday and Tuesday I sew. On Wednesday and Thursday I run errands related to the business. I Friday I do my homework/study any domestic responsibilities. On Saturday and Sunday I work at my pop up shop. Obviously, things come up that may make this framework not possible, but I try to stick with it. I ALWAYS answer emails and do my social accounts in the morning while I drink coffee and work out at night. I can’t do everything at the same time, but if i manage my schedule strictly, I can get to most of it within 24 hours, still sleep (some) and go out on dates with my fiancé.

Help: I ask for help. There is no way to do everything all by yourself. You’re not an island. There is no medal for who can get the most work done all by themselves. Step out of your own way and ask for help if and when you need it. When I was giving the acceptance speech for my award, 3/4’s of it was thanking my support group for helping me. Without them, I never would have been recognized.

Never forget: I have a goal. I always have a goal. I never forget my goal. No matter what comes up, or the situation, or the fork in the road, or how long it takes. Every question I answer or choice I’m faced with is always with respect to the goal. How else do you expect to accomplish what you’ve set out to do if your decisions don’t align with your goals? Whenever college kids ask me for advice on how I manage and get though it all (I was a double major who worked full-time to put myself through school), I always tell them, “don’t get caught up.” If you know what you need to do, then make sure you do it, when you need to do it by. It’s not easier said than done, it’s self-discipline.

The Power of “No”: You will hear the word “no”, in response to some of your pursuits. Get used to it and get over it. It’s not personal. It just means that person doesn’t want to….and that’s ok. Other people will want your help, or service or product. A no from 1 person does not mean you or your product/services aren’t amazing. No does not define you. Don’t give it any power over you. Instead, move onto the next.

Small Business Administration's 217 New York District Home Based Business of The Year Champion

Small Business Administration’s 217 New York District Home Based Business of The Year Champion

With some practice and a little self-discipline you can accomplish everything you set out to do. It may not be easy in the beginning, but it will get easier. Stay the course, and don’t give up on yourself. You can do it!

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