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5 Easy Ways to Tell if You are Blocking Your Blessings : Tips from Insecure

Writer: Nic HylNic Hyl

Two words. Growing. Pains. Growing up means opening up new chapters in your life, whether you want them to or not. With these new chapters come new opportunities. But if all your worried about is validating your own toxic habits then you’re always gonna be blocking your blessings. Sunday’s episode of Insecure was FULL of characters who seriously need to get out of their own way. Are you like them? Let’s see. Here are 5 easy ways to tell if you are blocking your blessings.

  1. Are you stuck in your ways, Molly?

Molly refuses to date outside her race. I’m not telling you what to do and I’m not here to tell you that you’re wrong, but what does she have to lose?! This guy listened to her crazy nonsense while she was high out her mind off Molly and he gave her jacket back when she lost it in Coachella He’s caring, he’s funny, and, most importantly, he genuinely likes her! You don’t have to propose, Molly, just give love a chance. Maybe he’s the one you’re looking for.  

      2. Are you respectful of your partner, Chad?

 Chad claims that he genuinely cared about his fiancé and wanted to be her husband. But he cheated on her with prostitutes at what looks like his bachelor party, so she left him at the altar. Maybe he thought she wouldn’t leave him. But at the end of the day, they broke up and he’s embarrassed. At the bar, he tried to play it off like he was cool, but he’s not cool. The toxic masculinity that is so ingrained in him is forcing him to say he’s fine so he can put up a front like he doesn’t need to have feelings. He just more money and more women to be happy. But he’s not happy. Express your emotions, we can see them getting bottled up, and soon, they are going to explode at the worst possible time

     3. Are you emotionally stunted, Dro?

Dro won’t, under any circumstances, grow up. He refuses to accept Molly’s olive branch and is completely snide to her when she tries to speak to him. He belittled her need for boundaries and made her seem like the bad guy without taking any responsibility for his actions at all. Molly’s not even his girlfriend! And he has a wife! And a baby on the way! Open relationship or not, that’s no excuse to be messy. Do better. 

     4.  Are you choosing titles over relationships, Tiffany?

So maybe Kelli may be way too crazy to be around a baby to think of her as your first choice, but that’s her best friend, so she is your first choice. She should be sharing these moments with her, not shielding her from them. And if Tiffany has more experienced friends in this area than they can be included too. Tiffany had a whole planning committee for this baby shower. There is room to spare. Tiffany and Kelli should be coming together to go through this experience together as friends. I’m sure it would be a lot more fun anyway. 

     5. Are you risking a lifetime of stress for a little bit of pleasure, Lawrence?

Ok, chlamydia is treatable with a doctor’s prescription, but Lawrence should know better! If you’re single, dating, casual spending nights with people you don’t know, use protection!! Lawrence could have contracted much worse. And in this day and age, there are super STDs that are way more difficult to treat. Have fun, but don’t get sick over a tiny little boost of pleasure. 

Thank you so much for reading you guys. Like this post if you’d like to hear more from me and comment what your favorite twist of the day was and why. I’d love to hear from you! Mine was Chad’s fiancé actually breaking off the wedding. I didn’t think she’d do it. Know anyone else who loves Insecure? Feel free to share this post, the more the merrier. We’ll have more articles like this so feel free to follow us on Insta @tiesidesandscoops. See you soon!



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